Doi Nature Reserve

Alternative site name(s)
Lower U Minh, U Minh, U Minh Ha
Ca Mau
3,394 ha
9o12' – 9o14'N, 104o43' – 104o55'E
From Ho Chi Minh City
From Can Tho City
Not available
Topography and hydrology
Vo Doi Nature Reserve is located in the
plain of the Mekong Delta, and the maximum elevation at
the site is only 2.5 m. Vo Doi is situated in U
Minh Ha or lower U Minh, the southern
of the two extensive peatswamp forests in Kien Giang and
Ca Mau provinces. The other peatswamp forest, U
Minh Thuong or upper U Minh, is situated 30 km to the
north. The nature reserve is seasonally inundated and, therefore,
supports a mixture of Melaleuca forest, seasonally inundated
grassland and open swamp.
Biodiversity values
The three major vegetation types at Vo Doi Nature
Reserve are ‘semi-natural’ (originally
planted but no longer tended) Melaleuca forest, Melaleuca
plantation and seasonally inundated grassland. Semi-natural
Melaleuca forest covers a large area in the west of the
site. The tree flora is dominated by Melaleuca cajuputi,
although other tree species are also present, including
Ilex cymosa and Alstonia spathulata. Melaleuca plantations
of varying ages are distributed in the east of the nature
reserve. In the centre of the nature reserve, there are
areas of grassland with scattered, young, naturally regenerating
Melaleuca trees. The most widespread grassland community
is one dominated by Eleocharis dulcis, with Cyperus halpan,
C. polystachyos, Fuirena umbellata, Philydrum lanuginosum
and Phragmites vallatoria also present. On slightly higher
ground, a grassland community dominated by P. vallatoria
is found.
Vo Doi Nature Reserve and the surrounding
area support high bird species richness. In particular,
the area supports a high abundance and species richness
of waterbirds, including small bitterns, Bronze-winged Jacana
Metopidius indicus and Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio.
There are recent records of adjutants, probably Lesser Adjutant
Leptoptilos javanicus, from Vo Doi. This
species was believed to breed at the nature reserve in the
past but appears to no longer do so. However, the species
may still occur outside of the nature reserve to the north.
In addition, Woolly-necked Stork Ciconia episcopus has been
reported to occur in the area to the north of the nature
reserve, where it might breed.
Other documented values
Honey-harvesting is a potentially sustainable economic
activity in Melaleuca forest. However, it needs to be conducted
in a controlled manner in order to avoid potential negative
impacts and maintain the biodiversity value of the area.

Vo Do Nature Reserve is part of the larger
U Minh Ha peatswamp forest,
a rare example of this ecosystem in Vietnam. Although no
visitor facilities currently exist, if well managed and
protected, it is believed that the area has high potential
for nature recreation, conservation education and scientific