Don National Park

Alternative site name(s)
Tieu Teo Easup
Dak Lak
115,545 ha
12o47' – 13o00'N, 107o29' – 107o50'E
From Buon Ma Thuot City
From Ho Chi Minh City
Trekking, Elephant riding, Bird watching… Contact
us for more information
Topography and hydrology
Yok Don National Park is located in Ea
Bung and Chu M'Lanh communes, Ea Sup district, Krong Na
commune, Buon Don district, and Ea Po commune, Cu Jut district,
in western Dak Lak province. The national park is situated
on the flat plain that extends from eastern Cambodia into
northern Dak Lak and southern Gia Lai provinces in Vietnam.
The topography of most of the site is flat, at an elevation
of c.200 m. There are, however, several ranges of low hills
within the national park, the highest point of which is
the eponymous Mount Yok Don at 482 m in
the south-eastern range.
Yok Don National Park is bisected by
the Srepok river, one of the major tributaries of the Mekong
River. The Srepok river is the only permanent flowing watercourse
in the national park: during the dry season, the two largest
streams at the site, the Dak Ken and Dak Na, are reduced
to a series of interrupted pools. There are also numerous
waterholes at the national park, some of which contain water
all year.
Biodiversity values
The vegetation at Yok Don National Park
is dominated by a mosaic of deciduous forest and semi-evergreen
(mixed deciduous) forest, with smaller areas of evergreen
forest, particularly on hills and along watercourses. The
deciduous forest is dominated by members of the Dipterocarpaceae
family, including Dipterocarpus tuberculatus, D. obtusifolius
and Shorea obtusa. However, the Anacardiaceae, Combretaceae,
Fabaceae and Myrtaceae families are also well represented.
The canopy of this forest type is open, and most trees have
thick, fire-resistant bark.

Unlike the deciduous forest, the semi-evergreen forest
at the site has a closed canopy, and is stratified into
five layers. This forest type is characterised by the presence
of Lagerstroemia calyculata, Shorea cochinchinensis and
Anisoptera scaphula. Evergreen forest has a limited distribution
in the national park, being confined to higher elevations
on the range of hills in the south-east of the site. This
forest type is denser, and is dominated by members of the
Fagaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Sapindaceae, Ebenaceae and Meliaceae
Because deciduous forest generally supports a lower floral
diversity than evergreen forest, the diversity of plant
species at Yok Don is lower than that at
other national parks in Vietnam. According to Anon (1998),
474 vascular plant species have been recorded at the national
park, of which 28 are listed in the Red Data Book of Vietnam.
Yok Don is considered to be one of seven
internationally important Centres of Plant Diversity in
Yok Don National Park has a reputation
as an important site for the conservation of large mammals.
Indeed, scientists consider the continued occurrence of
Asian Elephant Elephas maximus, Gaur Bos gaurus, Banteng
B. javanicus and Tiger Panthera tigris at Yok Don
to be confirmed. However, they report that the populations
of all four species at the national park have suffered major
declines. In addition, evidence from recent trophies and
first-hand reports indicates that the national park may
still support small numbers of the globally vulnerable Eld's
Deer Cervus eldii. Furthermore, two globally threatened
primate species also occur at the national park: Black-shanked
Douc Pygathrix nigripes and Yellow-cheeked Crested Gibbon
Hylobates gabriellae.
Several sources list the globally critically endangered
Kouprey Bos sauveli as occurring at Yok Don National
A number of globally threatened bird species have been
recorded at Yok Don National Park, in particular
several large and medium-sized waterbirds, including White-winged
Duck Cairina scutulata, Masked Finfoot Heliopais personata
and Lesser Adjutant Leptoptilos javanicus. Of particular
note, Yok Don is the only site in Vietnam
from where there are recent confirmed records of the globally
critically endangered Giant Ibis Thaumatibis gigantea. Moreover,
Yok Don National Park is one of the few
established protected areas in Vietnam to support a significant
population of the globally vulnerable Green Peafowl. A recent
study estimated that the national park may support around
1,200 individuals. Yok Don National Park
contains two Important Bird Areas: Yok Don and Chu M'Lanh.
Other documented values
Buon Don district is famous as a centre for elephant domestication,
which is a long tradition among several ethnic groups in
this part of the Central Highlands. Elephant riding is now
growing in popularity as a tourist attraction, bringing
increasing numbers of visitors and revenue to the area.
Visitors to Yok Don are able to take elephant
rides into the national park.